
Sindh Development Society

SDS is actively involved in the different sectors of development and has following core programs:

  • Awareness, Advocacy and Capacity Building (Awareness and advocacy for different social, health issues, political and economic issues, Capacity –Building of gross -root level CBOs)
  • Human Rights (women, children, special children, minorities, and socially excluded groups)
  • Women Empowerment (Economically, Socially and Politically through Social
  • Enhancement of their Skills, Exhibition and Marketing of Handicrafts, Introduction of New Skills and Occupations for Women Particularly Rural Women)
  • Primary Healthcare Care and Education (Reproductive Health, Family Planning Counseling, Awareness Regarding Sexually Transmitted Disease, HIV/AIDS)
  • Basic Education (Formal, Non-formal, Adult literacy)
  • Micro-Enterprise Development (Skill Development, Income Generation)
  • Environment and Sanitation (Plantation, Awareness)
  • Research and Publications (Conducting Research on Various Issues and Bringing out a Quarterly  Newsletter Auratazad on Women Issues)